Dress code for summer? I think I'll definitely vote for "white dress". However, it’s quite hard to find a beautiful dress with affordable price. I've been searching for "the one" for awhile. This perf...
APC 品牌嚴格說起來,不算是大眾口中所定義的大牌等級的精品,APC身為法國品牌,旗下各項商品確實流露出濃濃的法國風。那麼,什麼是法國風?就是一種講求簡約優雅的美,雖然浪漫但又帶有點個性,至少我是這樣定義。APC是「Atelier de Production et de Création」的縮寫,Logo字體也能確切反映出品牌追求簡約的精神。如果你了解APC更多,就會更佩服設計師如何把平凡低調也變...
每個人心中都有最嚮往的旅遊勝地,只是沒想到隨著年紀漸長,列出來想要造訪的地點卻越來越多,景點排序難免因為各種因素有所更動,但「義大利」卻能都排行在我清單上的前10名。義大利長久以來作為西方文化的核心,乃至於目前能夠孕育出許多精品大牌或有個性風格的獨立小牌,其實也不令人感到有太大意外。還記得電影中Under the Tuscan Sun (中文譯為:托斯卡尼豔陽下)女主角終於下定決心拋去所有理由藉口...
Is anyone just like me who enjoy spending time in furniture stores such as IKEA? I do love to hang around in furniture stores to get some inspiration for decorating my house when I have time. Today's...
I bought this Yuzefi bag few weeks ago, and am so in love with this pretty little thing. Especially, I am surprised how it goes well with the Needle & Thread skirt. I like the way how the Yuzefi b...